Monday, January 31, 2011

Thank You, Part III

About three and a half years ago, while still working at an agency, I did a small side project for a friend. When the project was done, I had to put together an invoice. And this forced me to pretend, just for the briefest of moments, that I was self-employed.

Mind you, this was something I had never actually considered possible or realistic. Aside from "being a lawyer" and "visiting Branson, Missouri, "owning my own business" was, in fact, the one thing I knew I never would do. I was far too risk-intolerant, not to mention pathologically under-confident.

The next thing I remember is typing "Conk Creative" in the upper left-hand corner of the blank word processing document. I did it without really thinking. And then a strange and magical thing happened. You know that movie-like feeling when you meet someone and instantly feel as though you've known him or her your entire life? It was like that.

"Conk Creative." Just like any story or character, it now existed simply because I typed it.

Six months later, I turned in my resignation letter at the agency. Two weeks after that, I woke up with no clients, no income and no clue. It's difficult to describe how terrifying and liberating that felt. And it's almost disturbing to realize how closely related "fear" and "freedom" are on an emotional level. I felt as though a cliche had been proven correct: There's nothing more terrifying and liberating than walking a tightrope with no net.

But here's the thing: Doors have flung open in the last three years that would have remained shut had I stayed ... let's see, what's the real opposite of self-employed? ... "other-employed." What you realize is that you do have a net below you. It's called "family." It's called "friends." It's called "colleagues." Sometimes it's called "complete strangers" and "people you never thought you'd meet."

I haven't negotiated that rope perfectly, and indeed, the real challenge will always be learning how to maintain balance. Today, I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who has broken my fall and gotten me right back on the rope.


mncalls said...

Good deal!! You deserve it!!. Doug Lodermeier, L&M Design, Minneapolis, MN.

Lisa @ SMG said...

Congrats on your freedom and realization that you had what it took all along to do this. To continued rockstar success...

Katey Charles Darpel said...

Congrats on your anniversary! When you're ready to visit Branson, Missouri, just let me know ... I can arrange for tickets to see the Baldknobbers! Never say never ...

scott said...

Marc, while you may be one of the smartest, and most genuinely talented people with whom I've worked. You should know (and I know you do), that you are still a fraud. And someday, you will be found out. I mean, it can't last forever. Eventually, you WILL face a day of reckoning where those of us who have come to respect and support you will come to the collective realization that, in spite of your sincerity, committment to your clients, outstanding work-ethic, creative-yet-pragmatic genious... you'll never measure up. There's just no way.

That said... congrats on all your well-deserved and life affirming success.

scott said...

In case the irony was missed on my "typo" - it's in-line with meme: